Hello! I am Smit Chaudhary. A physicist, quantum algorithm developer, and a full-time nerd. Currently I work as a Quantum Algorithm Developer at PASQAL where I get to work at the intersection of Quantum Computing and Machine Learning.

I did my Masters in Applied Physics at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Physics for Quantum Devices and Quantum Computing track. In Delft, I did my Master Thesis in the Quantum Machine Learning / Feld Group under the supervision of Prof. Sebastian Feld where I researched novel quantum walk based algorithm for qubit mapping problem.

I did my internship at Menten AI where I studied different QML approaches in general and QGANs in particular. We looked into developing a discrete QGAN.

Prior to coming to Delft, I graduated with a Bachelors in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology (IITK) in 2020.

I grew up in India and enjoy the company of a diverse friends group. I often conjure up new absolutely unfounded theories about linguistics based on the similarities and difference I find in different languages that my friends speak. I also enjoy the long process of stop-motion animation that bears a small, often satisfying video clip. I spend way too much time looking for viable open source alternatives for all softwares that I need.

Research Interests

Quantum Algorithms, Quantum-classical hybrid optimisation, Quantum Machine Learning


Towards a scalable discrete quantum generative adversarial neural network


  • At blog, I write about a variety of topics. You can find some of my academic related writings as well as non-academic stuff
  • At readings, I write exposition/summary for some of the papers/books that I read. This tilts a lot more on the academic side than not.
  • At projects, I summarise the projects that I have undertaken and what I have learnt through those. It includes past academic and work related projects as well as some simply fun endeavours.